" In case I forget to tell you later, I had a really good time tonight."
- Vivian, Pretty Woman

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I'm fine with all salt.

This is beyond-the-beyond. Not sure why or if I want to do a blog. Really, it's about daily dialogue with myself. It's about everyone and no one. It literally stemmed from my good ol' pal Caroline who just started a blog after she moved to Bogota, Colombia. I thought, gee whiz, that's a great idea. Taking time each & every day to just "vent," "release," or "rant."

Let's say bring on post 1. No seriously, say it. Outloud. Thanks.


  1. SO HAPPY!
    Said it. Out loud. Thanks.

  2. Oh my gosh, really? This is happening?


  3. OMG, Rye has a blog??? Not even on FB, but now writing his feelings away on a blog? What is going on with the world today?!!!
