" In case I forget to tell you later, I had a really good time tonight."
- Vivian, Pretty Woman

Friday, March 19, 2010

Lunch with a "Modern" touch.

Decided to take a drive over to Aroma cafe in Studio City today (after I couldn't get a hold of JP for an impromptu lunch-date). While waiting in the insanely long line reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, I noticed Mister Eric Stonestreet was in front of me. What a hoot (never ever said that before, honestly). Well, regardless, since I love the show Modern Family, it was a nice surprise to see him in person. Happy Friday.

- photo courtesy of ABC


  1. now I am really pissed i missed you!!!!

  2. you suck......i love that show. next time, get his autograph for me. did he take your wallet?
